Coffee Education

The Wonderful World of Coffee

Grinding Coffee Beans

Serving Coffee

Most people do NOT visit coffee shops for just a cup of coffee! They're looking for a lot more. Most people are looking for an experience which will of course involve drinking coffee.

A visit to a café means more than just good coffee. Your customers invite their family and friends to the café for coffee: they want to spend time there, with each other. It's not home - as nice as that might be; it's not at the work - that's only for when it's essential; it's not while rushing on your way to somewhere else - that's for takeaways.

People these days want coffee drinking to be an experience. An event. And coffee shop guests are willing to pay higher prices for quality coffee, and, of course, they expect top notch service. And why not? This starts even before arriving at your café.

In today's society, when almost everyone is using social media platforms, coffee shops have a chance and need to impress their customers before they even decide to walk in through your café door. Your café needs to be a stylish and friendly shop so that customers invite there own friends, relatives and business contacts. via social media.

After entering the café, the atmosphere of the establishment determines the customer's next feelings - positive or negative. If their first visit results in a negative feeling, they may stay and drink their coffee this time, but they are unlikely to return!

There are many ways in which you can entice your customers to return again and again to your café.

Ian Henley - Founder

6, Alfreton Raod
South Normanton
Derbyshire DE55 2AS

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Weekdays 9am – 5pm

+44 (0) 7973 691 759