Coffee Education

The Wonderful World of Coffee

Growing Coffee Beans

Growing Coffee

Coffee is often quoted as the most popular beverage in the world.

Depending on which story you belive, coffee was first 'discovered by a goat herder named Kaldi in Ethiopia; or by a Yemenite Sufi mystic while travelling through Ethiopia on a spiritual journey!

You might also know about the Pope having to 'bless' the coffee bean, as it was first considered by the Cathlic Church to be 'Satans drink'! Having tasted the drink, Pope Clement VIII declared, "Why, this Satan's drink is so delicious that it would be a pity to let the infidels have exclusive use of it." So he blessed it and made it possible to drink without encountering the wrath of God!

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Growing Coffee Beans

Roasting Coffee

Once Coffee Beans have been harvested, then real magic takes place within the Coffee Roasting process.

Green coffee beans are first dried at a tremperaturethat rises to around 160 ⁰C.

Then they are put through a browning stage. This is when the aromas strat to develop, alhough at this point the aroma is more like toasted bread! This is also when the Milliard Reaction talkes place.

This finally leads to the roasting stage. The exciting stage where the true aromas start and the cracking of beans takes place.

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Grinding Coffee Beans

Grinding Coffee

Coffee Grinding isn't as simple as one my first think and many mistakes can be made!

But that full-bodied cup of coffee is achievable in your own home if you avoid such mistakes.

Here we cover the different levels that are used, and what each grind level is used for. From Turkish Grind to an Ecxtra Course Grind, all how their purposes.

Generally speaking, your required Grind Level is determined by how you intend to brew your coffee: Percolator, French Press (or plunger pot), Toddy Makers, Vacuum Coffee Maker, Drip Makers, Espresso Pots, or Turkish Style Coffee.

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Grinding Coffee Beans

Creating Coffee

Lets face it, your morning cup of coffee will inecitably set your mod for the rest of the day! So baristas have a significant part to play in the lives of millions of people!

The best methods of making great a great Coffee Drink is somewhat variable, depending on which particular Coffee Drink you are making. Maybe that's why you have arrived at The University of Coffee website..?

So we will cover Coffee Yield, Brew Ratios, using a refractometer, and of course, Grind Size.

We will cover The Extraction Method, the Art Of ‘Foaming’ & ‘Steaming’ Milk, and the methods of creating speciality coffees.

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Grinding Coffee Beans

Serving Coffee

Going the extra mile for your costomers.

When you're making a coffee for your customer, that customer should be the most important person in your at that moment in time!

Focus is key. On the customer's order, including any 'tweaks' that may be personally requested.

Your attitude starts even before ythey enter the coffee shop! As they enter the cafe, welcome them. Say 'Hi'. That greeting is so important.

Grace... Grace? Yes, grace! Sometimes the customer has such specific likes and dislikes. Listen. Be attentive to what they say.

Try to assess their mood if possible. If they are a regular customer, do they seem a little 'off' today? Help brighten their day not just with a great coffee, but with a smile and some emathy!

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Ian Henley - Founder

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